This is a rough draft: explanations are incomplete and there may be spelling mistakes. I just made it public for people that have a hard time copying commands from a video.

If you speak spanish and prefer to see me coding this, you can do so in this video: Ingeniería de software - Comenzando con nuestro proyecto.

Lockdown is a static website generator written in C# that works as a .NET tool.

Through this series of posts I'll guide you on how did I build this tool with the hopes that you will be able to create another dotnet tool (hopefully you won't build a better Lockdown competitor, though 😅).


Throughout this journey I'll be using mainly three tools:

  • Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code
  • Console (whether is on Windows, Linux or Mac)

Setting up a Git repo

Obviously, we'll need a Git repository to take care of our Version Control necessities while building our tool.

I'll use a pre-created .gitignore file from

Let's also add a and our license file, to start everything right. Make sure you choose the right license for your project!

Adding our projects

Main project

Though you can create the projects by using the GUI, I'll strongly recommend you get used to interact with the dotnet command from the console, and to get started this is what we are going to do to create our main project:

dotnet new console -n Lockdown

Test project

Do not forget a test project! since we expect our tool to be a long term project, having tests is an essential part of the process. In this case, we will be using xUnit-based tests, though there are some alternatives like NUnit or MSTest.

dotnet new xunit -n Lockdown.Test

Putting everything together

We need to add a reference from our main project to our test project:

dotnet add Lockdown.Test/Lockdown.Test.csproj reference Lockdown/Lockdown.csproj 

Lastly, a .NET project wouldn't be a .NET project without a solution file, let's add one and then add our projects into it:

dotnet new sln -n Lockdown
dotnet sln add \
    Lockdown.Test/Lockdown.Test.csproj \

Now we can simply call dotnet build and have all our projects compile, or we can call dotnet test and have all our tests run.

Coding with style 😎

Since we want to set up everything properly from the beginning, we need to add to enforce a style guide, we do not want our code to be messy, right? We will be using the package StyleCop.Analyzers. Now, for the moment I want to enforce the style guide in the actual production code so we need to add it to that project alone:

dotnet add Lockdown/Lockdown.csproj package StyleCop.Analyzers

Now, if you try to build the project you will see some warnings, maybe a lot of them. Currently you do not have control over what warnings lie within your code, to change that it is necessary to create something called a ruleset, you can use this template to guide you in the creation of your file.

Let's say, we create our own version in the file Style.ruleset.

The next task would be to tell our project to use this newly created ruleset. To do this, it is necessary to modify our csproj:


Now we can simply edit our ruleset to fail when some "major offence" happens or just ignore some rule we do not care about.

Configuring a CI pipeline!

Of course, having tests and a style guide are just part of the trick, what is left is have those two things executed for us automatically, and in the cloud! We can use GitHub Actions to do that.

To start using GitHub Actions what you need to do is create a file called ci.yml (the file can be named anything as long as it is a .yml file)

Without going into details, what we need to add into this file is the following:

name: My first CI pipeline

on: [push, pull_request]

        runs-on: ubuntu-latest

            - name: Checkout code
              uses: actions/checkout@v1

            - name: Set Up .NET
              uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v1
                dotnet-version: '5.0.x' # SDK Version to use;

            - name: Test
              run: |
                dotnet test

            - name: Build
              run: |
                dotnet build